A valuable tool in forensics labs, a LIMS (laboratory information management system) streamlines the management and documentation of evidence. This includes amplification, analysis, extraction, quantification, and sample accession.

LIMS can provide functionality out-of-the-box, configurable for meeting a laboratory’s requirements, including data input assistance, sample documentation, and QC. In the case of managing samples and results inside a LIMS, the forensics laboratory can achieve greater accuracy, compliance, and productivity.

DNA analysis and sample management are now essential in crime scene analysis, along with comparisons of biological evidence with offender profiles stored in DNA databases. As analysis is increasingly used in forensics laboratories globally, efficiently managing DNA caseload is crucial to ensuring accuracy and preventing backlogs. The increasing amount of DNA samples may overwhelm a laboratory. The DNA analysis process is complex: preparation, extraction, quantification, amplification, and analysis. Fortunately, selecting the proper LIMS solution can alleviate the stress from the rapid growth of the DNA caseload.

LIMS Features to Consider

The following lists LIMS features that aid in DNA caseload management.

  • Production of load list for equipment and pull instrument-generated information.
  • Configurable master mix and quantitation calculations on worksheets
  • Guidance on concentrating, diluting, or amplifying DNA samples
  • Options available for master mix calculations with correction factors accounting for sufficient reagent volume if there are additional samples
  • Defendable chain-of-custody for reagents and samples
  • User login with a strong password policy or biometric identification
  • Stringent controls on allowable edit fields and audit trail for tracking changes
  • Authentication of person-to-person transfers to maintain chain of custody
  • Location transfers require authentication with LIMS verifying user access
  • LIMS should be capable of batching samples over various cases, analysts, etc.
  • Track the identity of personnel and their data entries at every step of the workflow
  • Each sample has a unique identifier using a barcode.
  • DNA sample genealogy noting plate, rack, or instrument contact
  • Traceability of quality controls and reagents
  • Electronic signatures from users who witness various steps
  • LIMS are capable of exchanging information with several DNA instruments
  • Load list produced by designated instruments directly imported to LIMS

Part 2 discusses analytics, Cloud Computing, Remote Access, and Report Writing.

Alpha LIMS Implementation

Alpha has been involved with implementing over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha today at (410) 295-9500.

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STARLIMS – LIMS and DNA Analysis in Forensics Labs – Part 2
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Computer Repair Service in Annapolis, Maryland Alpha
How Managed IT Services Can Save You Money
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STARLIMS – LIMS and DNA Analysis in Forensics Labs – Part 2
January 20, 2023