STARLIMS Quality Manufacturing 12.2 Released by Abbot Informatics – Part 2
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July 1, 2021As discussed previously, labs can benefit from greater efficiency, minimized data transcription and entry errors, and the reduction of expensive and lengthy investigations to demonstrate data integrity through the implementation of STARLIMS QM12.2.
Implementing state-of-the art technology, STARLIMS provides a totally integrated solution that incorporates LIMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN), Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), Advanced Analytics, and Mobile within a single application. This innovation makes building and maintaining custom interfaces required by third party tools unnecessary.
Part 3 will discuss QM API Interoperability, Thermo Chromeleon 7.3 CDS and Waters Empower 3 FR5 CDS Interfaces, Performance Improvements, and Regulatory Compliance.
QM API Interoperability
QM API v1.0, the QM Application Programming Interface, features pre-defined scripts that generate REST API requests to QM12.2. Providing the correct conventions required by these data calls/requests, the scripts permit exchange and interaction between other solutions that require the data provided by STARLIMS.
Data typically consumed from STARLIMS include clients, inventory, methods, test, test plans, materials, projects, folders, equipment, and services groups. Along with making requests for data about various STARLIMS entities, the QM REST API enables staff to create new folders within STARLIMS.
Thermo Chromeleon 7.3 CDS and Waters Empower 3 FR5 CDS Interfaces
The QM12.2 release allows STARLIMS to interface with the above third party vendors’ newest versions of their chromatographic data systems (CDS).
Performance Improvements
The QM12.2 release underwent stress testing wherein main default workflows (contract labs, process samples, and batch manufacturing) were tasked with heavy data loads to identify and remove bottlenecks and improve performance.
The Performance Testing Configuration Guide for STARLIMS Quality Manufacturing QM12.2 was prepared to assist customers when they engage Professional Services for performance tuning consultations.
Regulatory Compliance
QM12.2 features GxP improvements to enhance regulatory compliance. STARLIMS endeavors to address the majority of reported issues with functionality as well as to update and maintain the Automated Verification Kit.
Alpha LIMS Implementation
Alpha has been involved with the implementation of over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha today at (410) 295-9500.