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September 15, 2021
STARLIMS Technology Platform V12.2 Release – Part 2
September 23, 2021On July 16, 2021, Abbott Informatics announced the release of STARLIMS Technology Platform V12.2. Highly anticipated, it is a significant step forward in modernizing STARLIMS. STARLIMS’ unique design allows Technology Platform V12.2 to be upgraded independently of your system’s business applications.
This highly recommended upgrade will help ensure STARLIMS systems remain modern, secure, and high performing. Similar to upgrading the operating system of your device, the process will provide a new foundation, yet retain all existing configurations and applications.
HTML5 Electronic Lab Notebook
Utilizing modern HTML5 technology, the Technology Platform v12.2 release features an updated ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) system.
Although Microsoft Excel is a frequently used tool by lab staff and scientists, the software does not meet the compliance and security requirements of modern laboratories. Unfortunately, Excel does not have the audit trail, central storage, and traceability attributes required by regulated labs. STARLIMS ELN can now address these shortcomings.
A powerful electronic solution featuring a spreadsheet-based design, STARLIMS ELN can maximize the efficiency of a laboratory, ensuring compliance by permitting the uninterrupted performance of test workflows.
Every feature from past ELN versions are now available in HTML5, including data acquisition from RS232 and TCP/IP devices, image annotation, Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) document browser, and others.
The new HTML5 design improves integration, startup performance, and usability. ELN documents from past versions are importable into this new HTML5 version. This is thanks to a robust converter tool automating conversions.
Important Note
An ELN is a solution requiring integration with your existing dictionary. Documentation will be provided on how to convert to the new HTML5 ELN from the old XFD-based ELN for a more streamlined experience.
STARLIMS Integrated Solution
Implementing state-of-the-art technology, STARLIMS provides a totally integrated solution that incorporates LIMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN), Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), Advanced Analytics, and Mobile within a single application. This innovation makes building and maintaining custom interfaces required by third-party tools unnecessary.
Part 2 will discuss the other enhancements, including Systems Interfacing, and Scientific Data Management System, STARLIMS Bridge, and Complimentary Upgrade.
Alpha Engineering LIMS Implementation
Alpha Engineering Associates, Inc. has been involved with the implementation of over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha Engineering Associates today at (410) 295-9500.