IT Support, Alpha
The Practical Applications of STARLIMS SDMS – Part 1
July 25, 2022
Annapolis Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Trends for Autumn 2022 – Part 1
August 3, 2022
IT Support, Alpha
The Practical Applications of STARLIMS SDMS – Part 1
July 25, 2022
Annapolis Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Trends for Autumn 2022 – Part 1
August 3, 2022

Part 2 will discuss ways of determining the value of implementing a STARLIMS SDMS for the specific and unique requirements of your laboratory.

Your Laboratory and SDMS  

Automating a lab’s document management, an SDMS helps ensures its data and associated processes involving collection and storage comply with regulatory requirements. A seamless solution can be easily integrated with existing files and software, including images, instrument data, PDFs, and spreadsheets.

Before purchasing an SDMS, evaluate the ways your laboratory would benefit from implementing this solution. Determine data storage requirements and consider the software required. Audit the existing instruments being used and note expected purchases. After gathering the above information, identify potential gaps in data accessibility and storage and areas where an SDMS can streamline these processes.


STARLIMS provides various proven solutions for the management of unstructured and structured data, and this includes our standalone SDMS.

Manual processing the ever-increasing volume of laboratory data is laborious, error-prone, and time-consuming. The STARLIMS SDMS enables labs to access data easily and rapidly from scientific documents and eases the coordination of data generated by lab instruments and equipment.

Sai Life Case Study

Based in India, the United Kingdom, and the USA, Sai Life works with innovative pharmaceutical and biotech companies worldwide for the development and production of medicines. Needing to optimize and standardize instrument data, results, and storage, Sai Life was seeking a centralized and comprehensive data management solution that could be integrated with their existing systems so they did not need replacement.

After comprehensive research and evaluations of various offerings, Sai Life selected the STARLIMS SDMS Standalone solution based on their technological standards and requirements. Their decision was greatly influenced by the adaptability and flexibility of STARLIMS SDMS with respect to Sai Life’s business needs. Other considerations included the STARLIMS team’s global deployment capacity, implementation expertise, and excellent customer support.

STARLIMS Integrated Solution

Implementing state-of-the art technology, STARLIMS provides a totally integrated solution that incorporates LIMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN), Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), Advanced Analytics, and Mobile within a single application. This innovation makes building and maintaining custom interfaces required by third party tools unnecessary.

Alpha LIMS Implementation

Alpha has been involved with the implementation of over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha today at (410) 295-9500.