Top Tips for LIMS Implementations – Part 1
June 24, 2022
Comparing Windows 11 to Windows 10 – Part 1
July 4, 2022Part 2 will discuss more top tips for LIMS Implementations.
Emphasize Project Management and Commitment
A significant project such as a LIMS implementation will only succeed with proper project management and commitment. This will require naming a project manager who will be involved in both the planning and management of the entire process. This arrangement makes it possible to carry out a proper implementation.
Knowing the external support required during implementation and committing the internal resources necessary will help ensure success. The LIMS vendor will need to train your employees, ensuring they have the requisite tools and knowledge.
A solid plan for risk management and how to mitigate those risks should be in place in case something goes poorly during implementation. Experts recommend the plan includes an ongoing step-by-step review to aid overall project management.
Get Ready for Skeptics
Securing full support from the company’s staff is always a challenge, but it will be crucial for success. Be prepared for lab personnel who harbor doubts about a LIMS implementation and prepare answers for their typical questions that will reassure them. Some may fear the disruption of their current workflows and the need for additional training, and so being transparent about how they will be affected is important for gaining trust. Receiving adequate funding and resources required for a proper LIMS implementation will require the support of executives who may need to be educated regarding LIMS.
Assess Data Migration Necessity
Performing a data migration assessment early during implementation is best. Delaying this task may result in extended delays that will impact laboratory operations. A thorough assessment will let your team determine the risks associated and if the task is necessary. It is important to note the incompatibilities between the structures of the legacy data and the new one provided by the LIMS. A complete understanding of both structures will allow your team to accurately estimate how much time a data migration will require.
STARLIMS Integrated Solution
Implementing state-of-the art technology, STARLIMS provides a totally integrated solution that incorporates LIMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN), Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), Advanced Analytics, and Mobile within a single application. This innovation makes building and maintaining custom interfaces required by third party tools unnecessary.
Alpha LIMS Implementation
Alpha has been involved with the implementation of over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha today at (410) 295-9500.