3 video tools to help remote workers feel connected to the hybrid office
August 23, 2021
Deepfakes Are Now Making Business Pitches
August 23, 2021You can watch yourself on screen with Hugh Jackman, kind of.
If you want to see yourself on-screen with Hugh Jackman, this is your chance. The promo for Warner Bros. upcoming Reminiscence movie uses deep fake technology to turn a photo of your face — or anybody’s face, really — into a short video sequence with the star. According to Protocol, a media startup called D-ID created the promo for the film. D-ID reportedly started out wanting to develop technology that can protect consumers against facial recognition, but then it realized that its tech could also be used to optimize deepfakes.
For this particular project, the firm created a website for the experience, where you’ll be asked for your name and for a photo. You can upload the photo of anybody you want, and the experience will then conjure up an animation for the face in it. The animation isn’t perfect by any means, and the face could look distorted at times, but it’s still not bad, considering the technology created it from a single picture.
Source: https://www.engadget.com/warner-bros-reminiscence-promo-deepfake-trailer-052114554.html