Precision Diagnostics Boosts Capabilities With STARLIMS – Part 1
December 20, 2022
Why You Should Upgrade to Windows 11 Now – Part 1
December 27, 2022Part 2 will discuss the Reliability and Security of Data Access and the STARLIMS Integrated Solution
Reliability and Security of Data Access
Developed to be regulatory compliant (HIPAA), STARLIMS is an easily configurable platform that ensures data integrity, network security, and traceability. It also ensures a secure transfer of results and reports between a laboratory and its clients. In addition, STARLIMS provides comprehensive access to underlying data, not only to flat file reports.
Precision Diagnostics uses STARLIMS for the automation of assay ordering, assay processing workflows, and sample management. Known for its flexibility, STARLIMS allows the company to add new customers, revise or add new workflows, adapt to evolving reimbursement rules, or implement new compliance rules.
Precision Diagnostics was previously unable to interface directly with several of the most typical EMRs with its legacy LIMS, leading to the loss of prospective customers. This LIMS also had trouble processing 600 tests daily. As a result, lab personnel was forced to work late at night and during weekends to clear existing backlogs.
Offering superior performance, STARLIMS can consistently maintain high testing throughput and also provide cloud data protection. Thus, Precision Diagnostics can now run 1500 to 1700 tests daily, eliminating bottlenecks and overtime hours.
The almost 300% increase in throughput is accomplished with a decrease in average turnaround time for tests, falling from 28 hours to 26. Anomalous or out-of-range results automatically trigger alerts and retests, decreasing the necessity for manual oversight.
STARLIMS supports Precision Diagnostics’ entire operation, including cloud data security, interfacing with liquid handling robots and instruments, secure sample tracking, and customer billing. This solution system is easily configurable for adapting to specific workflows. Its adaptability includes modified dashboards, allowing an accessioning team to process samples swiftly and efficiently.
STARLIMS Integrated Solution
Implementing state-of-the-art technology, STARLIMS provides an integrated solution that incorporates LIMS, Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN), Scientific Data Management System (SDMS), Advanced Analytics, and a Mobile platform within a single application. This innovation makes building and maintaining custom interfaces required by third-party tools unnecessary.
Alpha LIMS Implementation
Alpha has implemented over 50 LIMS systems ranging in size from small, “off-the-shelf” software systems to very large, highly customized, multi-functional systems, including STARLIMS, for both governmental agencies and private enterprises. For affordable client-focused network consulting services and solutions, please call Alpha today at (410) 295-9500.